Our School Council consists of 2 representatives from each of the year groups 1-6, so 12 members in total. Representatives are chosen by class vote after children put themselves forward as candidates and present a short statement as to why they feel they would be a great choice for this important role. It is emphasised to the children that confidence and a big voice are not key attributes for making a difference, but instead, an ability to see something that can be improved and a desire to help.
School Council meetings are usually held at lunchtimes, sometimes weekly, sometimes fortnightly, lasting approximately 15 minutes. The group form a very valuable element of the children’s voice of Ashwater Primary School. Any areas for improvement or suggestions for change can be made and recorded and this information is presented at staff meetings and to the leadership of the school via the attending member of staff. The School Council’s opinion is sought, where possible, in staff recruitment and school governors join meetings from time to time.
Alongside tasks such as overseeing the class suggestion boxes, choosing new playground toys and feeding back to peers e.g. in assemblies, a significant role of Ashwater School Council is organising several significant events in the school calendar. The School Council takes a lead role in determining how national fundraising events are represented at the school e.g. Children in Need and Comic / Sport Relief. They are involved in the British Legion Poppy Appeal and are often the driving force in incorporating other charitable events of their choosing, e.g. Blue Peter Appeals, into the life of the school. The School Council are often called on to support Ashwater or Federation specific events such as Harvest celebrations or commemorative events.
All in all, a wonderful team!