We implement the curriculum through carefully planned sequences which enable children to learn new skills and knowledge , whilst consolidating previous learning. Mapping what is taught in each year group, allows teachers to plan for progression. Please see our progression grid below
Our curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:
Our intent for our computing curriculum
Through our computing curriculum, we aim to meet the content of the National Curriculum and prepare pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. We recognise that using technology correctly and confidently is an important tool in both the society we live in and in the process of teaching and learning. At the heart of computing, is computer science in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. We also aim for all pupils to become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology- at a level suitable for the future work place and as participants in a digital world. Children will learn key vocabulary and should be to recall this in everyday life. As part of our computing curriculum, we aim to provide children with the knowledge and skills required to keep themselves safe online.
Keeping Safe
Online safety is taught discretely as well as within computing and cross-curricular lessons. We recognise that a whole school approach to teaching online safety has a positive impact on both the children’s knowledge and their families. Our Digital Leaders, carry out questionnaires and research into the most recent and popular APPs and websites used by children at home. This enables us to keep up to date with current trends and can therefore teach necessary safety skills related to specific APPs and websites.
Spoken Language
Throughout our school, providing opportunities for children to communicate their ideas and opinions is of great importance. In computing, we strive to give children the time to discuss their ideas, share their findings and reflect on their learning. Children will extend their vocabulary through the discussion and use of technical vocabulary such as ‘algorithm, debugging and coding’.
Promoting our school motto and The Carey Qualities
Our curriculum equips children with the skills to become digitally-literate and challenges them to ‘Aim High’. We aim for children to have a knowledge and understanding of computer programmes through writing and debugging code which requires the children to ‘Be Resilient and Resourceful’ as they solve problems using technology and computational thinking. Working collaboratively and communicating effectively is often a key part of computing which encourages children to ‘Build Relationships’. Actively teaching these skills enables the children to become confident in an ever-growing digital world.