The Carey Federation


Our History Implementation

We implement the curriculum through carefully planned sequences which enable children to learn new skills and knowledge , whilst consolidating previous learning. Mapping what is taught in each year group, allows teachers to plan for progression.

Our History Intent

Our curriculum for history ensures that all pupils gain a high quality history curriculum which will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. 

  • We aim to secure historical depth within a chronological framework, so that the pupils learn a number of contrasting narratives of events and places in different periods of time. 
  • We aim to help children understand the complexities of people’s lives in the past, the process of change over periods of time, and to be able to study the diversity of societies and relationships of different groups. 
  • We will teach the methods of historical enquiry and historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance and then learn how to use all of these aspects to draw contrasts, analyse trends, we will them to use valid questions and create structured accounts. 
  • Teachers will equip the pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgement though role play and hot seating drama techniques. 
  • Pupils will be immersed with specific historical terminology and vocabulary and given opportunities to use them and embed them with understanding. 
  • In stages, we will also look at abstract terms such as empire, civilisation, parliament, peasantry and over time, lessons will be planned so they will study the meaning through word- definition- integrated language learning. 
  • We will introduce an ambitious range of quality texts, visual resources and artefacts to support and engage deeper learning. Including the use of IT, films, art or possible visits to museums, alternatively we may invite inspiring historians to school. 
  • We recognise that it should be important for them to understand their own personal identity and local history. 
  • During our creatively themed history topics, we will make sure there will be opportunities for children to become inspired and develop a sense of curiosity to know more about the past.  


History curriculum progression 

The Carey Federation ensures that we teach a number of key stage age-related history topics throughout the course of each year, what is taught is carefully mapped out on a long term rolling programme so that we have enough in coverage, content and balance of knowledge throughout both the primary key stages 1 and 2, The high quality learning will be planned carefully so that it is suited to the age and inclusive to all, and taught using a variety of learning styles.  History contexts sometimes will fit more easily in literacy, maths or art or other cross curriculum links. 


Spoken Language 

We believe that children will have opportunities to use their voice effectively and use it with purpose and confidence. We will encourage and integrate a cumulative higher level of vocabulary within the history subjects over the consecutive terms; the language and terminology will continuously be embedded through their spoken language and should be reflected in their written presentations or outcomes. 


Promoting the school motto and The Carey Qualities 

The children will be encouraged to ‘Aim High’ through research investigations which stimulate and motivate them. They will learn to ‘Be Resilient’ and take on more complex challenges, as well as that, they will learn to foster a sense of curiosity and awe in some of the things that have happened in the past. ‘Resourceful’ children will find and notice things and compare and contrast their ideas. Overall, they will be learning British Values and be taught to ‘Be Respectful’ of each other and all people and cultures, this will certainly be an integral part of history learning.