The Carey Federation

Before & After School Clubs

Morning Health Club

A healthy breakfast and a fun fitness activity are a great start to the day.  Children can join the Morning Health Club from 8.00am daily for a small charge of £2.75.  When your child joins the school, you will be asked to sign up to the SchoolMoney app.  You can use this to book and pay for your child’s Morning Health Club session.  Please book by 3.00pm the previous day.


After School Clubs

Through the commitment and hard work of our staff and with the support of some specialist teachers, the school is able to offer a variety of interesting and varied after school clubs.  The type of clubs alter from term to term, just take a look at the timetable to see what’s on offer.


If your child is interested, please complete a permission slip and hand in to the office.  There is a small charge of £1 per session which will be payable via the SchoolMoney app.  We run a successful programme where all payments are re-invested into our after school provision for things such as equipment and specialist teachers.


There is a school sports sweatshirt available to purchase – please ask at the office if you would like to see one. They are red hooded zip up sweatshirt with ‘Halwill’ written on the back in yellow. Snuggly and warm, they are great to be used for clubs and or PE lessons as it gets colder.


Pupil Premium / Free School Meals

If your child is entitled to the Pupil Premium (Free School Meals), there will be no charge for the Morning Health Club or After School Clubs. If you think your child may be entitled to Pupil Premium, please see the information here.

After School Club Timetable

After School Club Permission Slip