The Carey Federation

Junior Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

We are one part of our closely linked Federation team and as our school motto says, we believe ‘Every Piece Matters’ and that we should all ‘Aim High, Be resilient and Take Care of Each Other’. Creating a happy, supportive, team environment is our top priority as this is the foundation for enabling children to challenge themselves and ‘Aim High’ across all areas of the curriculum.


Welcome back everyone and welcome to Class 2 to our new year 3s! We hope everyone had a lovely summer break and are looking forward to the term ahead. It certainly is going to be a busy but fun-filled term.

Our topic this term will be the Stone Age to Iron Age. We will focus on continuity and change across this time period as well as making comparisons to our lives today. The children will learn how methods of gathering food changed over this time period, what the similarities and differences were between their tools and how homes altered across this era.

In Class 2, some children may continue to follow the reading scheme Read Write Inc. in order to support and develop their reading skills while others will take part in whole class reading in which we all read the same text but then the children work on various areas of their comprehension at a level to suit their individual needs. To ensure we develop reading skills across all the areas we use VIPERS, in our whole class reading, which stands for the following:




E = Explain

R = Retrieve

S = Summarise

Reading is such an important skill to continue consistently practising throughout years 3-6 and underpins all areas of the National Curriculum. It enables children to develop their confidence and understanding of a range of topics and the world around them through the constant exposure to new vocabulary. In addition to the wide range of texts we will be studying in class, it is so valuable to continue to support children with their reading at home. We ask that children read at least 5 times a week at home. Please can you record this in their reading records and at the end of each week these will be checked and the children will receive their points.

In Maths, we will focus on place value and number (understanding the value of each digit in a given number) as well as the four operations. Continued, regular practice of the times tables will have a positive impact on the children’s confidence with the above topics this term so please work on these each week at home. Hit the Button is a great online game to support your child with their number bonds and times tables. They will also have a login to TT Rock Stars in their reading records. Year 4 children will be taking the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in the summer term which requires them to answer each question within 6 seconds (any table up to 12 x 12). The Soundcheck section on TT Rock Stars is very similar to the format of the tables check and is a great way to prepare for the MTC.


In Class 2, we use Dojo points as our reward system. Children can earn points for an array of qualities such as showing kindness to others, listening attentively or for producing a fantastic piece of work. We also have a raffle ticket system for acts of kindness and the children are able to nominate each other to receive a raffle ticket.

Homework has been reviewed and we will continue with Mathletics and Reading Buddies.  However, it remains essential for children to regularly practise the times tables and read 5 times a week to an adult at home.

The children will need their PE kits on a Wednesday and Friday but it is helpful if they have them in all week if we wish to make a timetable change due to the forecast.
Wednesday pm- French and PE, Friday am – Wild Tribe, Friday pm – PE

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. If your message concerns homework or is not urgent, you can contact me via the messenger on Class Dojo. If it is urgent e.g. relating to attendance, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Frayn (Class Teacher) and Mrs Hazell (Teaching Assistant)

Class 2 – Timetable

Class 2 – Long Term Planning

Parents SATs information