Welcome to Class 4
Spring Term 2025
As the older children in the school, Class 4 are truly wonderful role models. They are such a delight, they are always so polite, kind and thoughtful. We feel so proud of all that they represent in the Carey Federation. Thank you to each one of the children for their positive contributions to our school community.
A snapshot of our Aim High Curriculum in Class 4
Our English work is driven by high quality text that enables children to read, speak and write fluently so that they can communicate ideas with others. Our writing begins with a non-fiction genre. Using the text, Extreme Animals by Nicola Davies, we will consolidate and enhance use of pre and post modification of nouns, use of bullet points, semi colons and colons, which will be all bound up in technical vocabulary.
Our whole class reading text this term is The Mapmakers’ Race by Eirlys Hunter. The Mapmakers’ Race also supports our geography topic, which will compare North America with the UK. This text enables us to develop writing skills further by developing description of human and physical geographical features. We will also write explanation texts about the way that maps can help us. Forging cross curricular links is a great way to embed and consolidate learning. Wild Tribe work this term also supports and develops our geography skill further. Spelling and grammar is embedded in all that we do and also taught discretely by using a range of excellent resources from the Spelling Shed Program.
Here’s a summary of our guided reading text. The Mapmakers race is about a group of children- Sal, Joe, Francie and Humphrey – who misplace their mother as they begin the Great Race to map a rail route through an uncharted wilderness. Their money is gone and their father didn’t come back from his last adventure. This race is their last chance. They have twenty-eight days to find and map the best route through the mountains. There are bears, bees, bats, river crossings, cliff falls, impossible weather—but worst of all, they’re racing four teams of adults who aren’t playing by the rules. It’s a great read!
As always, in maths, it is about securing the fundamental skills. It is so important that the children are fluent with X Tables and rapid recall of simple number bonds it gives them a huge advantage in managing the demands of the Y5/6 curriculum.
This term, we are introducing the CUBES math strategy is a systematic approach to solving math word problems. The acronym C.U.B.E.S stands for:
It will really support the children in untangling the complexities of word problems into manageable calculations. This includes the following topics, Number, Algebra, Decimals, Fractions, decimals and percentages, Measurement, Area, Perimeter and Volume, Multiplication and Division and Statistics.
Our science topics this term include evolution and inheritance and light. Clive Pigg is starting our topic off by celebrating the work of Mary Anning (21 May 1799 – 9 March 1847) – Mary Anning – BBC Teach – and her astonishing fossil finds. Clive will use his incredible storytelling to explain and discuss the remarkable work of Mary Anning and the interesting experiences of a female palaeontologist at this time. The children will explore their ideas through drama and by developing their performance skills.
During our light topic we will use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. We will explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them. This work (particularly the laws of reflection) link closely with our maths work in measuring, drawing and estimating angles.
In art and design, we will focus on developing practical skills through the medium of collage. We will begin by thinking about the following disciplinary questions: What is art? How is art made? How is art judged? What is the purpose of art? How does design affect the lives of users? The work of Robin Coates, who finds inspiration in nature, will support this unit of work. Her creativity is often sparked by light and shadow playing in the landscape. Again, this links really well with our geography topic.
Music— The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Dancing in the Street are both pieces of music that will develop an integrated approach to music where games, the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked. The children will continue to learn the skills needed to play the recorder, this will be taught by Miss Hayes.
Computing – The Teach Computing curriculum is structured into units that enable pupils to build on prior learning. This term we are looking at Creating media – Web page creation where the children will be introduced to creating websites for a chosen purpose. They will identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. Throughout the process, children will pay specific attention to copyright and fair use of media, the aesthetics of the site, and navigation paths. Data and information – Introduction to Spreadsheets unit introduces the children to spreadsheets. They will be supported in organising data into columns and rows to create their own data set. They will be taught the importance of formatting data to support calculations, while also being introduced to formulas and will begin to understand how they can be used to produce calculated data. Finally, learners will create charts and evaluate their results in comparison to questions asked.
We support a worldviews approach in our Religious Education. Our topics this term include creation and science: conflicting or complementary? What matters most to Humanists and Christians? During our RWV lessons we are careful to talk in-depth about diversity within religion and belief. This helps the children to understand that even within religion there is a diversity within an organised worldview and although two people may follow a belief, they can have a different worldview. It supports and encourages questioning and interest in the wonders of the diverse world that we live.
Physical Education- this term we will explore Indoor Athletics and dance. In dance they will create and perform a sequence/routine in a group using components adding matching and mirroring and fitness to the performance. This will be embedded in instilling well being and knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.
French—understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, focused on our homes and naming associated vocabulary in French and thinking about Easter too. We are always so impressed by the contributions offered by the children.
Our RSE work is embedded through CORAM SCARF materials. Coram Life Education & SCARF is the UK’s leading charity provider of PSHE and wellbeing education in primary schools.
Here is a useful link that may help support you at home:
Wild Tribe – Tuesday PM for the first half of the Spring Term 2025.
Recorder lessons with Miss Hayes, start on Wednesday 15th January 2025 until February half Term.
Homework is set on Class Dojo on a Tuesday. We will continue to set homework on Mathletics. It is important that children complete tasks set so that they have regular reinforcement and practise. This term there will also be more skills quests available.
The children have a spelling journal where they record spelling from the statutory word lists, which they test themselves on. These will come home on a Wednesday.
Reading five times a week is essential. Please support your children’s learning by hearing them read, reading to them or discussing what they have read five times a week and initialling in their reading record. Take a look at the useful questions I have added to the children’s reading records.
It is a year 5/6 privilege to leave school on their own, once a permission form has been completed. Please appreciate, due to pupil safety being paramount, they are not permitted to walk younger siblings with them. The children are reminded regularly to return to school if their parent/carer is not in the usual meeting place.
Another exciting privilege in Class 4 is to bring their own pencil case! We provide the resources, but many of them like to bring a few of their own things too.
The children’s well-being is of the utmost importance, and we aim to create a happy, healthy environment for all. If you have any worries or questions, please do not hesitate in coming to see us.
Many thanks,
Miss J Miners (Class Teacher)
Learn about Carl Linnaeus
The heart
Map of Ancient Greece
Find the City States
Ancient Greece
A map of the different States
Dance Mat Typing
Learn to type the fun way!