The Carey Federation

Class 4 (Y5 and Y6)

Welcome to Class 4 

As the older children in the school, Class 4 are truly wonderful role models. They are such a delight, they are always so polite, kind and thoughtful. We feel so proud of all that they represent. Thank you to each one of the children for their positive contributions to our school community. 


Here is a snap shot of our Aim High Curriculum in Class 4. 


Our English work is driven by high quality text that enables children to read, speak and write fluently so that they can communicate ideas with others. Our whole class reading text this term is The Curse of the Maya by Johnny Pearce and Andy Loneragan. The gripping tale narrates the adventures of 12-year-old twins who travel to Guatemala with their father.  In a newly excavated Maya city, an ancient mask is discovered…… This highly recommended text has been enjoyed by previous year groups. We will also be using The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and Stuff you should know by John Fardon Rob Beatie as a source of inspiration for our English work. In writing we will focus on developing description writing, explanation texts and recount. We embed spelling and grammar into all that we do.  


As always, in maths, it is about securing the fundamental skills. It is so important that the children are fluent with X Tables and rapid recall of simple number bonds it gives them a huge advantage in managing the demands of the Y5/6 curriculum. The terms topics include place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and converting units. 


In history we will continue to develop a sense of chronology and understanding of the historical concept of significance through a study of the Ancient Maya Civilisation. We will also use history to make connections, contrasts and trends between our lives today and from other time periods studied.  


History and geography are closely connected this term. We will learn about the location of the Maya civilisation. We will identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones (including day and night). 


In our science work we will learn about different forces. Within this children will be able to explain the force of gravity, identifying effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction that act between moving surfaces and recognising that some mechanisms allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. This is a fun topic that allows for lots of hands-on activities.  


DT and Wildtribe will support our understanding of forces further by developing technical knowledge about mechanical systems in products such as gears, pulleys, cams, levers and linkages. We will make our own final products too. 


In art and design, we continue with the rainforest theme. We will start our topic with a study of John Dyer’s collection of art prints and art poster prints inspired by a special residency at the Eden Project in Cornwall and deep in the Amazon rainforest with the Yawanawá tribe. We will develop understanding of texture and colour using acrylic paints and a range of materials. 


Music—Rock—’Living on a prayer’ An integrated approach to music where games, dimensions of music, singing and playing instruments are all linked. Listen and appraise other classic rock songs. ’Classroom Jazz’ which is focused around two tunes and improvising: Three Note Bassa and Five Note Swing.  


PE—Gymnastics will develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance, and Football will encourage playing competitive games and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.     


Computing—Internet Safety is integrated into each computing lesson that follow the We are app planners’ planning the creation of a mobile app, and ’We are project managers’ developing project management skills.  


Religion Word View—Devon Agreed Syllabus—Make sense of, understand the impact and significance and make connections between a range of religious and non-religious beliefs, concepts, practices and ideas studied.   


French—understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, focused on familiar and routine matters, using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary.  


Our RSE work is embedded through CORAM SCARF materials. Coram Life Education & SCARF is the UK’s leading charity provider of PSHE and wellbeing education in primary schools. 


Here is a useful link that may help support you at home: 


Class Routines 


Homework is set on a Tuesday. We will continue to set homework on Mathletics. It is important that children complete tasks set so that they have regular reinforcement and practise. 


The children have a spelling journal where they record spelling from the statutory word lists, which they test themselves on. Adults oversee this. 


Reading five times a week, practising common exception word spellings and learning times tables are all essential. Please support your children’s learning by hearing them read, reading to them or discussing what they have read five times a week and initialling in their reading record.  


Children receive Fab ticks as a reward point. Rewards may link to our Carey Qualities, it may be for great work, it may be for a lovely smile…. the possibilities are endless! 


It is a year 5/6 privilege to leave school on their own, once a permission form has been completed. Please appreciate, due to pupil safety being paramount, they are not permitted to walk younger siblings with them. The children are reminded regularly to return to school if their parent/carer is not in the usual meeting place. 


Another exciting privilege in Class 4 is to bring their own pencil case! We provide the resources, but many of them like to bring a few of their own things too. 


The children’s well-being is of the utmost importance and we aim to create a happy, healthy environment for all. If you have any worries or questions, please do not hesitate in coming to see us. 


Many thanks, 


Miss J Miners (Class Teacher) and Mrs R Skinner (Teaching Assistant) Mrs S Matthews. 

Class 4 Long Term Planning

Class 4 – Long Term Planning 2024-25

Parents SATs information

SATs meeting.pres 2024

Learn about Carl Linnaeus

The heart

Map of Ancient Greece
Find the City States

Ancient Greece
A map of the different States

Dance Mat Typing
Learn to type the fun way!